Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It is a Small World after all....

So, yesterday I posted about my disappointment of not receiving the Fellowship I had applied for. Well, since then I had to take Ed (my husband) to the Emergency Room and he is going to spend a couple of days in hospital. This is not a new occurrence for him so we have become quite use to the routine unfortunately. The small world part comes in that after Beth helped me walk the dog(S) yes dogs I am watching my Mom's little guy Quincy while she is hopefully having a wonderful time in Hawaii...I gathered up all the stuff Ed needs and headed north to the hospital. When I arrive there is a really nice guy named Jeff sitting and chatting with Ed turns out he is a social worker and they were talking about there wives. His wife is a poet and well you know what I do. Come to find out she applied for the Fellowship for the second time and was rejected again and she is PISSED (his words). From what I got from him, she feels that the people that are getting the Fellowships have arrived and have big names. Also, she had gotten some advice from a seasoned pro that told her about what the panel is looking for. He said she takes it personal. It is personal. I realize it is a Renewal Fellowship but knowing myself I have been schlepping and working in the arts on my own without financial help or a teaching salary for a good 15 years or more. You may be thinking sore loser, bitter Betty etc. and I admit these are things I even say to myself. But, it just felt so good to share my thoughts with Ed's social worker :) and to hear that someone else was not saying oh well there is always next year.


Candice Hartsough said...

well i am sorry to hear about the fellowship. and sorry to hear ed is in the hospital!! i hope he feels better soon. dumb digestive organs!

Heather said...

What a bummer. And I dont see what the point is of financially helping people that are probably the most financially stable. Perhaps the fellowship is looking to attach itself to 'big names?" everyone's got an agenda ;)

Lori McDonough said...

Oh, Jenny, I'm so sorry to hear about Ed in the hospital again. And, I'm sorry about the fellowship. It's just like how Indy selects out of state/country artists to beautify OUR city when there is so much talent right frustrating and disheartening. I'm bummed for you, too. Keep on keepin' on, girl. Fellowship smelloship. Pth. Get well, Ed!

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he is better soon!

I am also so sorry to hear about the fellowship and now to hear about his other woman. It sounds crazy! If they only want big names, well count me out and every artist that really needs the money-well, who doesn't have a big name.

It may not help, but I have been back in Indianapolis since 1998 and I have heard of your art and seen it and know your of your name! I think you are big wig!

I think that art and money and all of it is very weird right now. I used to sell my monotypes for 2 or 3 times as much as I can now. I don't know why. Just know it isn't just you. And, I love your style and how you to continue to mix it up and create new things so please keep doing what you do!
take care,

Stacey said...

Hi Jenny~

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope that your husband is doing better. Arting can be such a frustration to us, can't it? I do understand what you have been going through~ if you'd like to email me privately, please do!
