Merry Christmas to all! So many changes through the years...I am trying to find a new enjoyment of the season. I think when you are young it is a time of wonderment. When you are older and you have experinced more loss it becomes about those who are not with us...but I am trying to just enjoy friends and my loved ones as best I can. Ed and I were even talking about how meals aren't as special anymore. I think it is because everything is so readily available. The special becomes more of a normal experience. Just like when I was growing up we rarely ate out. Now I am not sure I go a whole week without eating out.
Anyway, back to the Merriment...Ed bought me a book I wanted to share. A very cute quirky book of how too's. A little over the top in her style but I am most interested in making a resin bracelet using an ice cube tray. The Naughty Secretary Club it is on SALE through Amazon something like $11-. As soon as I make something I will share it on the blog.
Have a great DAY!