Monday, November 19, 2007

I am turning over a new LEAF

It has been so long since I have checked on my blog. So many people have joined in the blog phenom and I am ignoring mine. Since I have written my nephew came home safe and sound from Iraq. Thank God. Ed and I had a property tax shock here in Indianapolis and have been protesting in the streets to make changes to the local government and to hopefully make a change in how property tax is computed etc in the state of Indiana. In the process Ed has become a blogger and a Libertarian. We have listed our charming 1893 Victorian Cottage for SALE and are waiting for the perfect buyer to leave it in their hands to make improvements and maintain. It has really made me very aware that you really never own anything. We want to live below our means. In doing so I hope that I can focus more on my work that I have continued to do since closing my shop (that I miss greatly) but not with any regularity which is my own fault with focus.

This weekend my dear friend Robbie Moriarty came for the Winterfair show and talk about inspiration. I am ready to create. Thanks Robbie for the pep talk!

My goal is to start doing Illustration Fridays and to get my body of work ready to apply for art fairs in 2008. Enough info for this entry.

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