Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Donation" for Partners Inside

So I decorated a birdhouse for a fundraiser for People & Places Up Close. Homelessness. The event is this Saturday May 21st from 6 to 9 pm at the City Market $35- a ticket is anyone wants to go and support the cause.
I haven't been working on much to sell lately and the things I have made haven't made it to any venues. So I am sharing this with you. I love how dark the bird hole ((((is that what you would call it, bird hole?????))) is. I think she looks like a pirate smoking a cigarette. It is wierd and funky which frankly I love. Hopefully someone will bid on it and the monies will go to the great cause. The folks involved in Partners Inside have been so kind.


Jenny Holiday & Aaron said...

Love Love Love this Jenny!!!! Fabulous piece for an awesome cause! :) xo

Jill Webb (and.other.names) said...

You are a talent! Love your work and now I'm following. Just started my own at jilltheartist.blogspot.com. Come see me :)

Anonymous said...

Listing: www.etsy.com/listing/77616033/vintage-poodle-pin-brooch

Anonymous said...

Sorry if i have got this wrong im not a blogger i would like to buy your brooch below ASAP! Do you ship UK iv left you massage via my etsy shop user name fruitesofeden?

Listing: www.etsy.com/listing/77616033/vintage-poodle-pin-brooch

Rebeca Trevino said...

i cannot tell you how much i love this piece.
i am a new follower - please follow me, i think we have a lot in common.