Thursday, July 22, 2010

guilty of neglect

Yes that is right...I am neglecting my blog. What a crazy summer it has been. I have taken photos and downloaded them but still nothing on the blog. I guess I am spending so much time growing out my hair that there is just no time to blog. hehehe Seriously, I have packed and unpacked and packed and unpacked in a years time all of our worldly possessions. Since we have moved here we have hosted a bridal shower, 54 Libertarians for a cookout of the 4th of July and other gatherings. Ed has been in the hospital 3 times since we have moved in Feb. 15th. Ive had 3 art openings and opened up an antique space 45 minutes away. I have been busy. But, I feel kinda lost I think. Unable to work (again) I think this may be the longest I have gone without being actively creative which seems okay in some ways. This week I made 2 large floral arrangements for the church for my niece Katies upcoming wedding and I am working on some moss hearts for the pews. That is creative. Yes. But, it isn't my work. I have a bunch to put on etsy but there it sits. So step one is admitting. So here it is. I admit I have been neglecting my blog and etsy and my artwork and that pile of stuff that needs dealt with and, and, and...
Fellow artists, friends, etc....what do you do when you get in a rut, slump, funk, etc....? Please share.


Candice Hartsough said...

I always feel that way around January - March. Usually my issue is I have next to NO deadlines. No shows coming up, no freelance to do. I could work on my personal projects, but have no motivation. I end up playing a lot of video games. :) The second I have a new deadline, I start wanting to work on everything again. So ... a deadline hunt?

Ariane Cagle said...

Since I've been in a slump too, I have no real answers for you. I think getting together with other artist friends help. I was thinking maybe a group outing to a First Friday art event might be good for getting the inspiration flowing.

Anonymous said...

I often have ideas, but then I don't have the time to get to them right at the moment. I keep a list of ideas, sketches, etc. and then when I'm in a slump I refer back to them. It ususally gets me going again! Miss you!

Retro Cafe' Art Gallery said...

anonymous? that is me I guess :)