So I decorated a birdhouse for a fundraiser for People & Places Up Close. Homelessness. The event is this Saturday May 21st from 6 to 9 pm at the City Market $35- a ticket is anyone wants to go and support the cause.

I haven't been working on much to sell lately and the things I have made haven't made it to any venues. So I am sharing this with you. I love how dark the bird hole ((((is that what you would call it, bird hole?????))) is. I think she looks like a pirate smoking a cigarette. It is wierd and funky which frankly I love. Hopefully someone will bid on it and the monies will go to the great cause. The folks involved in Partners Inside have been so kind.

Love Love Love this Jenny!!!! Fabulous piece for an awesome cause! :) xo
You are a talent! Love your work and now I'm following. Just started my own at jilltheartist.blogspot.com. Come see me :)
Listing: www.etsy.com/listing/77616033/vintage-poodle-pin-brooch
Sorry if i have got this wrong im not a blogger i would like to buy your brooch below ASAP! Do you ship UK iv left you massage via my etsy shop user name fruitesofeden?
Listing: www.etsy.com/listing/77616033/vintage-poodle-pin-brooch
i cannot tell you how much i love this piece.
i am a new follower - please follow me, i think we have a lot in common.
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