In my upcoming show "Strumpets and Squares" I am introducing some quilted wall hangings. I am a frustrated seamstress. I go to sit down and sew and end up with a horrible bobbin jam or a big chunk of fabric gets stuck and I end up putting a big hole in it. I am also too much of a "free spirit" to do major detailed sewing.
Measure twice cut once!

I have an altered ART friend Joanie who is a master quilter! How blessed am I. She can whip a project into shape in no time. I had an idea of how it should all go together but really no clue as what I should use or how to go about it. I am sooooooo thankful for her help.

Shaun came by with Ashie (Im sure I spelled her name wrong) she is a big SWEETIE. Shaun is sweet too.

In progress.

One of Joanies whippets. They are so good.
I understand why Quilting Bee's happen. We are hoping to create more together in the future. Many thanks to my Freinds!
Thanks for your comment Jenny! Looks like you guys had a blast! I've been sewing more too, but just little bitty things :).
I saw you pillows on Julie's Art Blog and instantly was smitten with them! So glad I found your wonderful blog & work that is eye candy to me!
I hope your show went well! I'm staying in due to the icky snow. So sorry I missed it!
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