Okay...my New Years Resolution was to do challenges for Somerset Studio. The first challenge is to CREATE something from Stryofoam. In the past I have used Styrofoarm as an armature along with paper, wire, dowel rods and Celluclay. This time I racked my brain for one great idea and I am still not sure this was the right one.

So, here goes. I bought a block of foam and a foam circle and carved it to the size and shape I wanted it. Papered it with gel medium, painted it 2 different colors of red and stained it with black. Dotted in with off white paint and then used brown stain on top of that. I have to say it is not a material I want to or like to use. So this a was a challenge. I also feel like I over embellished it. OW.
The hat is lovely J, so pretty and such good fun. Good luck.
Cool! You're going to have to keep us posted on your entry!!!!
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