I have just spent the majority of my day looking at this aaaaa collection in our living room. I figured eveyone should see it too. I listed clothes on eBay (long story bad idea) and some items on etsy. Plus I have been pricing stuff to take to Midland. The whole process of listing items online takes so is fun and I love to sell online. The A collection started when I married Ed (his last name starts with an A) I have always been a collector of something and this is the latest. *Sure will be happy when this RAIN ends...the dog sleeps all day and she makes me want to do the same. I try not to get the Blues from the weather but it is hard not too, we need SUN! Starting to piece together the holidays with is always the hardest part. Being a 39 year old bride 5 years ago I have spent my whole life going to someone elses house for the holidays, going with someone elses plan. I enjoy entertaining and it is hard to sit back and always be on the sidelines. Ed and I both feel that we need to stay home on Christmas Day and just relax. Fix a meal we enjoy and just hang out together with my Mom and step dad. It may not be ideal for everyone but we have put the time in being a part of other peoples plans and now have given ourselves permission to do the same. TG.....
I love that "A" collection, now I the meaning behind it. Very neat.
Cool! I like your display with A's
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