(june 2014)
After spending time with some of my oldest friends over the last 2 days and enjoying every minute of it. I mentioned to them that people are choosing a "word" to take on for the upcoming year, like a resolution. Since I am still in 2014 and I hadn't chosen a word for this year I decided that "exhausting" would be my word. I had started a post called a recap of 2014 earlier this week but, it became too long and bogged down with TMI. So I am going to try again.
January - Ed (my husband) was recovering from a pacemaker installation and basic bad health. We had a brutal winter in the Midwest. Everything seemed to come to a stand still. February - I convinced Ed that it was time to move to all one level with less maintenance (for me to do). I cleaned and DE cluttered our historic home in Irvington and put it on the market and with my savvy realtor sold it to the first person who looked at it. March - I packed and moved us into a 1970's condo 4 days after my Ed fell and broke his ribs on our Irvington homes back deck. (I am exhausted just thinking about it) April - unpacking, painting, flooring and just making our new place "home" May - more of the same. I made it my "job" to get our place "done" asap since Ed is home most days all day. June - I turned 50 and invited my near and dear to a party in my neighborhood to celebrate. It was a wonderful day. My condo was done. I had friends travel to see me and life was good that day. Then sadness happened....my dear sweet friend Yvonne passed away. July - August - lots of dog walking, swimming in our new pool and a whole lot of creating. I missed being creative. I never stopped but, everything else needed my attention. Ed and I also gained a house mate. Ed's nephew Heath came to Indianapolis to seek employment. He has been a pleasure. Yes! He has a job (s)! September - I had my first sale at my studio and I loved it. I felt like it was a great success. I didn't skip a beat after September. I was in a creative groove. Which I LOVE! October - Indiana Autumn which is my favorite time of year. Beautiful!!!! I also found out that I have some issues with my hands which explains the unexplainable pain. I have arthritis in my thumbs and they are now bone on bone and the thumb bone has moved away from the carpel. I should have surgery on both not at the same time but, at some point. Ugh! Not anything someone who uses her hands to create wants to hear. November - I spent the month getting ready for another sale. It was also when we learned that my niece Katie who is pregnant and due in March, little baby girl had hypo plastic left heart syndrome. My niece is handling everything like a CHAMPION. Her little sweet baby is due in March. Katie is blogging about her journey and I will be sharing her blog. My nephew Mark married Emily in a very sweet church in West Newton, Indiana. Congratulations!!! I had my second Sale in my studio and again feel really good about how everything is going. December - still more creating and selling. Celebrating with family and friends! What I left out was euchre club, bowling, chiropractor visits, Ed's doctors appointments, visits to the emergency room, hospitalization (for Ed) and getting back to church. It has been a year of great change and great loss. I am thankful for my faithful customers who have become friends and my always supportive friends and family! Even though it was "exhausting" it was a good year! Looking forward to what 2015 brings. xo

(December 2014)