My Mom and I have a yard sale every year and every year I say to her let's npt do it next year and she says oh but, I enjoy it. It seems like every year we have a reason to have a sale. This year was no exception. My Mom (Sue) is a care giver to a woman my age who is not healthy and has very little. note* my Mom is someone who has always taken care of people . Sue's care reciever is getting a handicapped apartment and Sue and my step dad Jim (I helped one Saturday) and others have cleaned out her storage unit and now will be moving her next week. So we had a lot to sell. Plus I went from 2 antique spaces to 1. I have a friend who is organizing and down sizing and we always throw in my nieces stuff. This year was the biggest SALE ever. The garage was packed and we used 3/4 of her driveway and a tent.

The craziest part of the sale besides doing it for 3 days. Is that we had high winds, flurries, rain and cold temperatures. It is the Midwest, we could have flurries into May but, we had just had the best weather a week before. What is crazy still is people came even in the wind, rain, cold, was the most we have ever sold at a sale. We Hoosiers are ready for spring and garage sale season. Since we still have so much of Sue's care recievers stuff I am doing it again this coming Thursday. THen the leftovers will be donated. Wish me LUCK! I want blue skies and at least 60 degrees!!!