What a year 2011 was. One I would like to not do over. The New Year always does feel like a clean slate, at least it starts out that way. 2011 was a huge change in our house. Ed (my husband) has gone on disability and is no longer going to work as a chemist. Needless to say disability pay does not a salary make. So we are struggling. Enough SAID!!! I am charged and ready to start some NEW and hopefully profitable adventures in 2012. I am really excited about the possibilites of it all.
The first thing is a new VINTAGE & HANDMADE space at Reclamation located in Southern Broadripple at 53th and Wintrop area. They are open 7 days a week so I don't have to be. I am letting go of my newest booth space at the Exit76 Mall in Edinburgh but, I still have 2 others that I will nuture and care for. The possibility of creating a wholesale line with my willing Mother and an additional online business with my good friend Kristina who lives in Minnesota. It is all possible. I am letting go of my part time job at The frame shop although I have enjoyed it, I feel like it is a distraction. If I were making a huge salary that would be a different story as well.
I have a feeling the whole house will become a workshop but, why NOT?
I am also very excited that my niece is going to have a baby this July. The other night Ed and I were out somewhere and I said look at that cute baby and Ed said "I can't wait to see Katie's baby" How sweet! I love my nieces and nephews and wish the best for them in 2012. It is so wonderful to see them grow up and blossom. Since I don't have kids I have to share them :)
I hope that I will blog more, eat less and make more art and more money :) !!!!
Have a Happy, Healthy and Joy filled 2012