I have maintained a work space or studio space or retail space 15 out of the last 18 years. When my hubs and me moved to Irvington, Indiana (suburb of Indianapolis) almost 3 years ago I gave up having a studio space. We were going through a lot of changes and I was trying to avoid paying for something. So I set up a space for myself in a big bedroom with a outdoor balcony. I actually loved that space. Unfortunately, it was not in the cards for us to live there (that is a nightmare of a story that I won't go into here) so we found a house to buy and we moved again. I tried so hard to work in a teeny tiny bedroom upstairs...for 3 years. What actually happened is I didnt work in the teeny tiny bedroom I worked in the kitchen, the dining room, the entry, the enclosed porch, stored stuff in the attic, in the garage and in the lean-to outside. It was jus too teeny tiny and became a storage room. Since moving here I took on antique spaces in Edinburgh, Indiana, ramped up my etsy business and started a big sale once a year with my friend Kristin Sims. In the last year my husband illness has worsened and he isn't able to work so I need to contribute more. At times all the stuff in all of these "public" spaces gets on his nerves as it does mine. I can't find where I have put anything and I am sick of it. So I went snopping around to see how much it would cost me to rent a space in my neighborhood. Welllllll, I was really disappointed it was more than I was prepared to pay. We struggled before and I thought how can I pay this kind of rent without it cutting into what we need to live. So something that my Mom calls a God thing happened. I saw my good friend Barb and was chatting about how I wanted a studio outside of the house how I need to really ramp up my business, maybe start a wholesale line etc. and before the night was over I had an address in hand. She knew someone who was selling their Mothers house in my neighborhood. The next morning I drove by and the friends brother was leaving but, he let me in the house. At times I didnt think it would happen but, it did and I have had it for 3 weeks now. I would say the little house has good bones. People do a lot fo crazy things to houses thinking they are making them better.....in both bedrooms adhesive tile was put over hardwoods and then a nice layer of really bad carpet. Here are some photos of the one bedroom:

Chip, chip, chip....
I love these ladies they were my neighbors when we first moved to Irvington. Since they are retired we hang together. The little house would not be in the condition it is now only 3 weeks later without them. The size of each chip of tile was the size of a quarter we worked on it for 3 days. Whining!
Tile is gone and now we are left with adhesive....but, we have worked on that too and it is getting better. The house had been lived in by the same Grandma for 30 to 40 years and at the end not much had been done. I understand how that can happen. Now, every square inch has to be painted and spit shined. Ive gone through 8 gallons of paint so far and have completed the hall, one bedroom and the dining room.
This little house has really made a difference in my attitude about things. I feel it has given me a sense of direction. Someplace to go. Living with someone who is chronically ill is not so easy. Lots of hospital time, lots of sleeping, can't really make plans because you don't know if you will have to cancel etc, etc, etc. Don't get me wrong I love my guy but, it is not a normal way to live. It is our normal. Anyway, here is the little house that will be my studio and guest house......
Please come back and take a look I promise I will show you more.