First FRIDAY February 5th, 2010
"Strumpets and Squares"
from the mind and hands of Jenny Elkins
AV Framing Gallery
Fountain Square, Indianapolis, IN

The forecast was a downer a snow storm was rolling in and the word is out STAY home. I was talking to someone earlier in the day and told them I had an art opening tonight and she said "The art crowd are HARDY". So, I packed my camera and decided I would take a picture of everyone who dared to come out on this overwhelmingly beautiful night. I guess by the time I took this we had over 5 inches of snow. Now, more has fallen and blown. Secretly I am a snow girl. I love it! I love how I have to beg our little Lucy Bassett to come in and once in she is so excited. Runs all over the place. So without making you wait any longer here are the HARDY art FOLKS! ps. Thanks for coming!

Kristen and Eric Sims. Happy Birthday Eric!

The famous Mike Altman who lives more than a hop and a skip away.

Friends.....Mike and Jeff. Dawn and Rob.

The best neighbors....Barb, Nick and Ryan (Luke is mia tonight). Barb is so supportive.

Sarah Adams (AV Framing Gallery owner) with her guy Brian.

Yes....My BROTHER came. Roger. I called him, sent him an email and a postcard. Nothing like being hit over the head.

Tracey and Felipe. Go COLTS!

Rachel (local artist) and some guy in a yellow parka.

A regular to the AV Gallery, Marshall. He was giving me ideas on what he would of done with my piece.

Maribeth, who sacrificed her warm bed to come to my show. I really do appreciate it. Tim (the salvage guy) who knows more people then anyone I know.

Rita Spalding (artist).

Rita's friend Jenny.

The magnet man Dan Axler.

Char, my neighbor who is gonna hate her picture but it was a dreadfully soggy night. Thanks for coming Char!

Albert. Albert and I were in art class all through High School. He is working on getting a body of work together. Look for him to debut this summer.