December has flown by for me. I can't believe it is already Dec. 8th. Where do I start...first of all let me say I really do appreciate all those who have come to my shows and openings this last month. Also, a few people rallied around when Ed was in the hospital for 5 plus days over Thanksgiving and helped me with some errands and glass cleaning etc. so I could meet all of my deadlines for the shows. I am thankful!
I wanted to show the other Garage Artist Society members work that is hanging at the Harrison Center in downtown Indianapolis through Dec. 26th.

Gallery No.2 on Opening Night.

Part of my ABC series.

People reading my little ABC series of "26
un-related stories" all featuring (a) letter.

Mike Altman's work.

Jim Kelly.

Mint Evans.
Chris Tower.

I drug Ed out of the house after the opening (which he stayed home from) to a party. This is our friend's house all decked out. We haven't decorated yet. Hoping to soon.

We were greeted by Santa and Buddy the Elf.
Hysterical !