So, yesterday I posted about my disappointment of not receiving the Fellowship I had applied for. Well, since then I had to take Ed (my husband) to the Emergency Room and he is going to spend a couple of days in hospital. This is not a new occurrence for him so we have become quite use to the routine unfortunately. The small world part comes in that after Beth helped me walk the dog(S) yes dogs I am watching my Mom's little guy Quincy while she is hopefully having a wonderful time in Hawaii...I gathered up all the stuff Ed needs and headed north to the hospital. When I arrive there is a really nice guy named Jeff sitting and chatting with Ed turns out he is a social worker and they were talking about there wives. His wife is a poet and well you know what I do. Come to find out she applied for the Fellowship for the second time and was rejected again and she is PISSED (his words). From what I got from him, she feels that the people that are getting the Fellowships have arrived and have big names. Also, she had gotten some advice from a seasoned pro that told her about what the panel is looking for. He said she takes it personal. It is personal. I realize it is a Renewal Fellowship but knowing myself I have been schlepping and working in the arts on my own without financial help or a teaching salary for a good 15 years or more. You may be thinking sore loser, bitter Betty etc. and I admit these are things I even say to myself. But, it just felt so good to share my thoughts with Ed's social worker :) and to hear that someone else was not saying oh well there is always next year.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I am no Van Gogh, Monet, Degas...and I know it!
As I was unpacking all of my earthly possesions from our move in Feburary a deadline was looming. For many years I had thought of applying for a Creative Renewal Arts Fellowship. I had known many people who had recieved them in the past and I thought why not? If anyone needs RENEWING I do. So, I got my application together and as I was typing on my laptop (using a cardboard box for my desk)I thought about how I would use the $10,000-. I have never really traveled. I have no real art was only a year or so ago when we bought a digital camera that I had became comfortable with. I could really use a new experience, some equipment that would help me grow as an push me to the next level. I knew there was a real chance that I would not get the GRANT. But, I did hope (unrealistically). Well, today after I picked up Ed from work (cause he is sick again) I got the mail and there was my rejection letter. I am really bummed more than I thought I would be. I have applied for art fairs for years and have been rejected from things and have learned to recieve rejection better. But.........I knew this money could really help me grow. Unfortunately, we do need money for travel, to buy equipment etc. Once my head hits the pillow tonight and I wake up tomorrow it will not feel as bad but....I do wonder why they open this sort of thing up to just any old artist when they are searching for the tenured Professor of Art, the Artist who has already traveled the world and is recognized internationally, or even all those artists with Master Degree's or the curator at the local hot spot in town. Tell me what are the real qualification's for this Fellowship? There will not be a next time for me.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Altered ART group

Page two.
The other page I did was based on one of my favorite quotes. "Time wounds all heels". Just a quick drawing of an old shoe. Funny old lady with and without her hat.

Page one.
Starting some more projects for upcoming shows. I have a month. So I need to put my nose to the grindstone.
Been making some dolls....

"Paper Roses" I may have to call her Marie. Since Donny and Marie sang "Paper Roses" during my youth. Painted body. Her skirt is made from a vintage skirt I picked up somewhere. Kristina also gave me the old flour sack cotton that I used on her legs. They are pretty big. I tried so hard to work small and I think my hands are too big and too sore. Just couldn't do it. I have 11 more busts to finish and I just completed another full doll today. She isn't finished either but will be.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
lightbulb moment!!!!!
My friend Beth and I have started walking (it is new, I pray it continues, I hate exercising, would rather create or cook something delicious :)and we were talking about my last post. Beth said it reminds me of when you are in HIGH SCHOOL and one girl wears something trendy or "new" and that is how it ALL starts. I think that is really want is happening with the latest mixed media/altered art/green movement. It was like I almost, not quite, got hit upside the head. So simple so true. I am not upset over the fact that I was copied or gave someone inspiration. It has happened before and it will continue to happen as long as I am making and selling my work. I just really wanted to see and hear what other people thought about it all and if anyone had a good solution. The majority felt like it was copied. I have to agree. I guess I could confront them but I am not sure I have that kind of energy. I do know that I will continue to make art in my own way......thanks for your comments....jenny
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
copying versus inspired

Not my work.
A couple posts ago I wrote about copying. So here is a very cute little image of a girl in a wire cage. The photo is good. No distractions (no hand, ribbon etc.....This is NOT my work. A couple of Christmases ago I sold a bunch of work to an online store through etsy. My work is below (I did not take the picture nor would I have tied the ribbon onto the cage etc. mine were plain and simple no background distractions etc...). Mind you this work is a couple of years old. I have moved on. My friend Kristina had made a ton of wire cages for an installation she did and gave them to me I made these little collages and put them in the cages and SOLD out. I had no problem selling them. This online company still has the majority of the work they bought from me. The work of the little girl is made by the woman who bought my work from me. Is it Copying or Inspiration???? Do you think we as artists can avoid this???? Please I want your feedback.....thanks!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Shoes YES I am blogging about SHOES!

The best part is that I buy all my shoes at Stout Shoes the oldest Shoe Store in Indianapolis. They have a live talking parrot in the downtown location. I know the shoes they sell are pricey and in this economy we are trying to cut costs but I always buy good shoes. With my size 11's and pancake flat feet I have no choice. So this is something that is even crazier they still have LAYAWAY! So go downtown to Mass Ave and put some good shoes in layaway. Your soles will love you!!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Rain Rain Go AWAY!
I know that rain is going to happen and it is necessary. After a Spring rain you notice how green everything is, how a flower grows 2 inches. But....I am not sure a rainy day does much for me personally. I am sleepy and even sad.
I thought I would catch up on reading some blogs and then I read a depressing one about people knocking off this artists work and how it is causing her to change her style. And...I think we all have felt that from time to time. She has a good following. I wonder maybe her sales are affected by being knocked off. Maybe that is the issue. But just the current climate. I know I am not buying anything right now just trying to catch up. Tired of being so bogged down.
I hung out with my friend Beth yesterday and she showed me how to do SOLDER jewelry. Not too bad the hardest part is trying to get the ring onto the top. You need to have about 5 hands and 3 of them should have grip but no feeling since the glass gets hot and I had to touch it not once but twice. I am a slow learner. It is definately something that practice makes perfect. Enjoyed it though.
Well.....until next time.
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